7 Things You Are Doing Wrong in Your Blog Comment Strategies


Commenting works, but only if you play the game well. Today, I want to talk about 7 things you are doing wrong in your comment strategies, hoping that you can recognize your faults and fix them before you waste any more time with those horrible comment strategies.
1. SEO Keywords
Look, most blogs are no follow, so why would you care about keywords? Your name isn't "Viagra Sales Online" is it? I hope not.
Many bloggers delete those comments immediately, but even if they don't, no one is going to see "Attorney Websites" and think "wow, I need to click that link!"
It makes you look like a noob. Don't do it.
2. Great Post!
Do we really need to say this? Sadly, I still see this everywhere, so yes, I think we do.
If your comments consist of nothing but "great post""awesome job", or "well done" then you might as well not comment at all.
Why would anyone click through and read your blog if you can't even be interesting in a blog comment section?
3. Always Being a Jerk
It's OK to disagree, but if you're the guy or gal that always disagrees, then you're not a commenter, but a troll. People don't like trolls, and they certainly aren't going to visit your bitter and venom spewing website after reading your vitriolic comments.
4. Always being Wrong
Do you find that every time you comment someone disagrees with you and proves why you are wrong? If that's the case, then it's time to do some research and comment with a bit more knowledge of the situation. If you're always wrong, then your blog probably is as well.
5. Not Reading the Post
It's easy to spot these people. Their comment has zero to do with the post, and was probably made after reading the title and skipping straight to the bottom of the post.
If you're obsessed with being first, or just being in as many places as possible, at least read the post first.
6. Not Being Consistent
If you want to get traffic from comments, then it will take time. You have to work a neighborhood consistently and over time until people recognize you. Your aim should be to become a regular, not a random commenter.
7. Being Late
The best way to get traffic from comments is not to be in the middle of the stack. Your best bet is to be first or last, with first being the best choice.
Obviously, we can't all be first, but if the post is months old, then chances are high that no one reads it very often and your comment will be wasted.
I realize these are highly arbitrary and liable to make me infamous, but that's part of the fun. If you really want to get traffic from comments, then make great comments and use common sense.
Wong Chendong delivers the oohs, ahhs, and woes of blogging matters like any man would... rough. He's frank, to the point and likes it raw. His been where you are and knows for a fact that he can help you. He'll share with you everything he knows about blogging @ www.TheBadBlogger.com and at the end it's just like sex... anything worth learning is worth taking action on your own.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9765678

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