Reasons Why Dating Your Best Friend Is Awesome

By heseo

Dating can be quite an ordeal and looking out for that special someone is quite an arduous task.We're sure you'd agree. Sometimes that special person is there all along and we're oblivious to it. Some people might shrug off the idea of dating their best buddy, but we're going to tell you why your best friend of the opposite sex can be your ideal partner, not to mention save you the additional effort of ‘the search of the right one'.

You already share a bond and intimacy: Since you'll are best friendsyou know each other inside out. Which colour does the other love, which deo spray or body spray does he/she likes, how many people have you dated till yet, all your embarrassing stories, deep dark truths...nothing is a secret. You'll enjoy each other's company and can confide in each other no matter what. Aren't strong relationships built on this very principle?

You don't have to try:You can completely, 100% be yourself and be comfortable in your skin. There is no need to go out of your way to impress your significant other. There is also no compulsion to dress up when you're not in a mood to, you can just head out in a pair of comfy tracks. You've obviously seen each other look your worst best before, so this one just saves time from preening in front of a mirror!

No scope for boredom: When dating your best friend you don't have to worry about your relationship losing its charm. You'll can laugh over the same old jokes, and talk about the same old things without anything reaching saturation point.

Meet the friends: You'll also don't need to worry about making an impression on your better half's friends. They already know you and like you. You'll get on like a big happy family!
Do away with the conventional: Time to bid the so called rules of dating adieu! No need for elaborate plans. Even taking your dog out for a walk counts as a date.

Meet the parents: You never have to worry about your parents finding out. They already know about you love birds and predicted it long before you even started dating each other.

The telepathy thing:You'll can read each other's minds and know what emotion the other person is going through even with just a cursory glance. There is no effort needed in expressing yourself, and you'll even complete each other's sentences! 
Need we go on? Or are you on board with the idea already?
In conclusion we'd like to say that who better than your best friend to fall in love with? They know you inside out and guess what, they already love you endlessly! 
Some people fall in love with their best friends, some with a complete stranger; make sure you choose the right kind of person who knows you, understands you, loves only you and accepts you for who you are. 
And for the single people out there, even if you haven't found that special someone, hold on to it! That Mr/Miss perfect is just out there for you. 

Author Bio -A Senior Brand Executive, Arnab is working on new product development and launch, developing strategies for product, promotion, sales for Emami
Arnab Roy Choudhury
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