7 Things Your Readers Want to Read in Your Next Blog Post


As you probably already know, there are some things your readers will want to read about more than others.
I've been using 7 simple guidelines to make sure I don't bore my readers, and I'd like to share them with you. Hopefully, they're going to help you when you write your next blog post, so sit back, relax and enjoy!
1. They Want to Read What's Interesting to You
If you do everything right, your followers will love you. They will want to be a part of your life. They'll want to know what interests you, what bores you, what makes you sad or happy.
If you do everything right, your readers will be your friends, and they'll be genuinely interested in what makes you tick.
Some people say you should keep your blog on topic, and you can't lose focus from the fact that the main thing your readers want is what you can teach them about what they're interested in.
That's true, but they do want a little bit of what's going on inside your head, even if it's not related to the niche.
(Please note that I said a little bit, not a whole lot.)
2. They Want to Read About Your Personal Life
This goes along with what we just talked about, but in a different way. We just discussed who you are as a person, and now we're going to talk about how you live.
A really good example of talking about your personal life and tying it to your niche is a story that Frank Kern talked about. He used to run a successful dog training business online, for which he used a pseudonym.
One day he realized he's going to hit a million dollars in sales that year, so he decided to film the actual event of making that money. As it so happens, he was actually on vacation with his family when this was happening, so he talked about that as well.
He told a story about how he was going to fly the whole family some place, but then he realized it would actually be better to just charter a plane, so they did.
This was fun, the people hearing the story were entertained, but he also strengthened his position as an expert in the field, killing two birds with one stone.
3. They Want to Read News
Anything new happening in the market? Any trends you've spotted that will lead to changes for your readers?
Whenever you're looking at what's going on in the niche, and noticing there's something new happening, go ahead and post about it.
Your follower will eat it up. The earlier they get the news, the better, so timing is very important here. It goes without saying, that if you're late and the market is already talking about it, then it's better for you to say nothing and move on.
4. They Want to Read About Strategies that Worked for You
This is my all time favorite. Nothing can beat a strategy, a system, a trade secret or a killer tip that you know is going to help your readers. Before you share a trade secret, however, you need to make sure that it works, which means you need to test it yourself.
On top of that, before you sit down and write about your test results, you need to plan your content carefully, so that you're able to present the whole strategy in such a way, that everyone can take it, implement what you tell them and succeed with it.
You don't want to leave important details out, as that would cause your readers to fail. Obviously, when they fail, they think what you're saying doesn't work and you lose authority. You don't want that.
5. They Want to Read About How You Work
One of the main reasons people follow you is you get the results they want. No matter what market you're in, people want to get what you have.
Now, this doesn't usually require going behind the scenes, so to speak, and looking at how you work, but a post like that every now and again will make your blog much more interesting.
For example, you're in the fitness and bodybuilding niche, and you focus on mostly on getting a toned body once someone has already gotten rid of the excess weight.
Obviously, you share them pretty much everything they need to know, and they're happy implementing your advice.
Now, although they don't really need it to succeed, go ahead and take them to your gym. When you're there, have someone record you as you work out. This might seem strange to you, especially at first, but it's awesome to see your idol work.
6. They Want to Read Funny Stuff
This is pretty self explanatory. If you have something that's both funny and related to your niche, go ahead and share it.
The key is, to be relaxed about it. If you just crack a joke casually, for example, you'll do great. If, on the other hand, you try too hard, what you say won't be funny, and it'll seem weird. Just have fun and your readers will have fun with you.
7. They Want to See Pictures and videos
There's nothing more boring than a block of plain, mundane text.
You don't have to just plain write if you don't want to. You can use pictures, screen capture videos, talking head videos, pictographics, diagrams, audios, comics, or anything else that will help you to break things up.
Just use your imagination, come up with something fun, and enjoy it.
Wong Chendong delivers the oohs, ahhs, and woes of blogging matters like any man would... rough. He's frank, to the point and likes it raw. His been where you are and knows for a fact that he can help you. He'll share with you everything he knows about blogging @ www.TheBadBlogger.com and at the end it's just like sex... anything worth learning is worth taking action on your own.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9784710

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