Appy About The Way You Work Out?


The summer is over and you've done well to keep that bikini bod so far, but we all know cosy jumpers are on the horizon and the temptation to gorge on those carbs is becoming nearly too much.
Well, fear not motivational slackers, there's a different way to work out that will renew your passion for fitness.
I'm talking about fitness apps and I have the best apps you can get to keep your summer body sizzling.
A recent study about the benefits of fitness exercise apps can be a vehicle for behaviour change in exercise in the same way that a nicotine patch can be a vehicle for behaviour change in smoking.
"So basically, fitness apps allow users to overcome the barriers they were facing to exercise regularly, such as lack of motivation or little spare time. In addition to that almost 75% of current app users said they were far more active than before, compared to less than half of non-users."
If you like the sound of that, here are five fitness apps I would recommend to keep that fitness motivation and see you through to the end of summer, or maybe even longer.
Pact. (Free).
Do you ever make bets with your friends to see if they'll stick to their fitness promises? Want to earn money from sticking to your word? Then take a look at Pact. It's a fitness app that allows you to bet money on whether you'll go to the gym and complete a workout. The app checks that you've stuck to your goals by ensuring you check into the places you promised you'd go and work out, it even measures how long you've been there for. If you reach your goals, you earn money, if you flake out, the money you bet goes into a communal pot for other people to win. Trust me, there are a lot of slackers out there pouring money into it.
FIT Radio. (Free; pay for Premium).
If you like to listen to your favourite tunes while pumping iron, then this is the app for you. FIT Radio is a music-streaming app that specialises in DJ-created mixes that maintain a consistent beat, which will help with your running. There's a wide range of genres including Spin, Yoga, and Zumba. If you decide to go Premium, there's more than 25 genres and stations, as well as other perks such as no ads. If you love working out to music but can't be bothered to create your own playlist then this is the app for you.
Charity Miles. (Free).
If earning money for charity spurs you on to run those extra couple of miles, then you need to check out Charity Miles. Corporate sponsors agree to donate a few pennies for every mile you run, walk, cycle, Segway, whatever you fancy. The app has a list of charities you can donate to, so choose which one you want to support and get going!
Zombies, Run! (Free; in-app purchases).
Does saving the human race while burning off a bunch of calories sound convenient? Then you're in luck, pop off to the app store and download Zombies, Run! This app is an ultra-immersive running game and audio adventure, which was even co-created with award-winning novelist, Naomi Alderman. Every run becomes a mission where you're the hero, with the audio you hear immersing you in your very own zombie film. Complete missions and progress through the story, as well as progressing your own fitness.
Yoga Wake Up. (Free).
Yoga isn't for everyone, but neither is waking up at 7am everyday. If you want to start your day off right, and leave your bed feeling refreshed and ready for your day, then you need Yoga Wake Up in your life. This app is a short audio-guided yoga or meditation session that starts in bed, to a music selection including Bob Marley, Prince, and Bon Iver. Learn how to deepen your breath, loosen up your body, and set intentions for the day such as calmness, resilience, and even kindness. Why wake up to an alarm clock when you can wake up to a Yoga workout?
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