The Best Way Make Money Blogging


My name is Andy Thomson, and I want to tell you how to earn an additional income through your blog site.
Many people dream of becoming rich through their blog site, but the sad truth is very few people make
any money at all, and it all ends in disappointment. I want to give you a little bit of help with a few pointers into turning your blog into your business.
Your content is the most important part of your blog, it has to be original, interesting, something that will grab the readers attention and make them want to come back again and again. You also have to pay special attention to your headlines and subheadings, the must be no longer than 5/6 words long, and you must try and make them stand out so it makes people want to know what they are all about.
You have to find a niche topic and you must stick with it, don't start mixing your topics, and research them well. Be accurate in everything that you write, there is nothing worse than reading something that you know is a load of rubbish. You must post on a regular basis to sustain the interest in your readers, and make them want to come back and read some more, and also increase the flow of new readers to your website.
Another way to earn an income through your writing is to sell your work or services as a freelancer, now this can be really hard or really easy and it all depends on how good you are at what you do, or rather what you write about. there are a lot of sites out there that offer payments or rewards for your articles and blog posts and the amounts they offer vary from site to site. Two of the biggest sites that I use are or and the better you write the better your reputation becomes and a number of offers you receive offering you work increases by a significant amount.
Another way to earn an income through your blog and by far the most popular way is through advertising. Once your blog is established and you have increased your followers to a decent level, you can start to think about using services like Google AdSense what happens is you advertise the services or brands of other businesses and they pay you for it, this can be very lucrative.
This is just a very basic article about what you can do to earn an income from your blog, and if you want to discuss this in greater detail then please get in touch with me at Contact and I will be more than happy to have a chat with you and hopefully help you just a little bit on the road to a more lucrative future. Good luck with everything that you do.

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