Why Have Personal Blogs Lost Their Popularity To The Business Blogs?


Personal blogs were established for the sole purpose of individuals writing about their feelings, opinions and even sharing their life stories. These blogs became highly popular among many people. Over time, search engines like Google lapped up blog posts because people created them in droves. They started ranking higher than websites.
When business owners discovered this, they developed an insatiable hunger to crawl and index through blogs of their own. It was the most reliable way to practice content marketing. This presented the opportunity to get a word out about their different products and services. Granted, they enjoyed better rankings and with the passing of time, personal blogs fizzled out.
Needless to say, entrepreneurs had a hunger to succeed and meet monthly or yearly targets. This motivated them to work religiously on their business blogs.
Here are a few reasons why personal blogs lost their popularity to business blogs:
The social media took over
With the emergence of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, many people did not want to spend hours reading personal blogs when they could simply interact with each other over social media. Unfortunately, the emergence of these networking sites declared the demise of personal blogging as a whole. The observations and gripes that were bread and butter of personal blogging could be pithily condensed into 100 characters as status updates. Individuals preferred to only read business blogs, where they could learn more about a business and find out the impact its products or services could have in their lives.
Better blogs emerged
Other new platforms found ways to reach the itch that personal blogs used to scratch for many of us. Sites such as Medium and The pool offered a profusion of excellent, personal and thoughtful stories. They also offered an abundance of business ideas. Therefore, on these polished blogs, individuals could enjoy a personal story and still get the best tips on how to invest wisely.
Personal blogs quickly reached the end of their life cycle
Business blogs never get old. They keep the business-minded individuals interested and offer new ways on how to constantly better their lives with a variety of products and services. Content marketing through blogs is the best way for businesses to succeed. However, personal blogs quickly reach the end of their life cycle. Those which chronic a particular life arc such as divorce or relationship advice reached a natural end. The reality is that circumstances change, children grow older, women get remarried and privacy becomes more important. On the other hand, business blogs find new ways to keep going.
With the increasing popularity of business blogs, writing a blog should become a norm for all entrepreneurs. It is a perfect way for target clients to understand more about the business and for the business to practice content marketing at minimal costs. It also allows for good inbound marketing. According to statistics, 60% of businesses acquire more customers through blogging. Unfortunately, personal blogs may not experience a resuscitation. They have passed the pluton.
Marius is a copywriter and blogger in Lithuania. The small country does not have lots of reliable information sources, so providing some unbiased and interesting stories on business, marketing, internet security, e-commerce is a good start. Marius has been writing since 1998. Now he writes an English blog www.losersociety.com. "Everyone is a loser for just one day, as next day we are winners again."

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